Tips for Choosing the Right Coaching Certification Program

The wide range of options in the coaching certification programs makes it quite challenging to choose the most ideal one. In fact, many Singapore coaching training programs may sound very similar, which makes it a little bit tricky and difficult for some people to notice any difference. Here are some tips to help you find the most suitable program in Singapore:

Your Skillset, Mindset, and Toolset Matter

A coaching program that provides training on specific areas of an individual’s skillset, mindset, and toolset is extremely important. Before you become an executive coach, you must first be conditioned with the right set of skills and be trained in the right kind of tools. As a consequence, it would be easy for you to fulfil your duties and discharge your responsibilities as a coach. Make sure you choose a coaching school that covers all these aspects to get the most from your coaching certification program.

Check That the School Is Approved by the Federation

Choosing the right program can sometimes get messy, as anyone can see this as an opportunity to start their own certification program even though they’re not qualified. Before you enrol in any program, make sure it’s approved by well-known and reputable coaching associations.

The purpose of these third-party associations is to examine and validate whether or not a certain program is fit for people to pursue. The ICF (International Coach Federation) is the largest and the most highly recognized professional association in the world. Find a program that’s approved by the ICF to ensure that you get the best deal.

Select a Training Program That Suits You

Each coaching program may be different from the other in some way, and some may have different approaches. It’s important to pick a program that matches your needs and goals to ensure better and more effective training.

For example, if you want to horn your skills in specific areas, you can enrol in a Coach Specific Training course. If you need to get some comprehensive training, a comprehensive training program would be a great option.

Acquire Some Foundational Coaching

Before you acquire training in niche areas, obtaining some foundational knowledge and expertise first can be a big advantage. This would ensure that your skills are top-notch and thus make it easy for you to meet any qualifications required for candidates.

Many training centres don’t usually offer people the opportunity to enrol in advanced niche training if they lack foundational knowledge skills. Make sure you get some foundational ontological coaching first to ensure your journey in pursuing a niche training course becomes a success.

Familiarize Yourself With All the Credential Paths

Being aware of the path you want to pursue usually comes in handy, as this gives you more clarity and makes your goals easy to accomplish. There are 3 different paths to credentialing – Professional, Associate, and Master Certified Coach. Make sure you meet all the requirements for each credentialing path you choose to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for that role.

There is also a difference between coaching and mentoring. So be familiar with what each means.

Search for a Center That Helps Other People Market Their Services

Once you complete your coaching certification program, you should be able to coach other people with much expertise and knowledge. Your ability to sell your services to other people should also be easy to manage and implement. Choose a coach training program that helps you sharpen and develop these soft skills so that you can become a sales professional in less time.

Ensure That All Your Mentor Coaches Are Verified

Before you seek the services of any mentor coach, it’s important to first verify that they’re indeed competent in their field. Check whether your mentor coach has valid credentials and qualifications that would allow him or her to establish a training center in the first place. Also, check whether your mentor coach is on the ICF listings to ensure that you’re dealing with an authorized person and not some mere conman.

Choosing the right coaching school and the right program is what makes a great executive coach. It’s also important to stay updated and credentialed all the time to make the most of every opportunity that emerges within.

Wondering which is the best coach training certification program that could benefit you the most? Follow the tips provided in this guide anytime you want to find a well-rounded coaching certification program tailored specifically to your needs and goals. For further reading on executive coaching and executive coach certification, visit